Kingdom of Eswatini

Key Facts
Head of State: King Mswati III
Joined the Commonwealth: 1968
Capital City (location of Parliament): Mbabane
Unicameral/Bicameral: Bicameral; House of Assembly (65), Senate (30)
Further Information:
- Parliament of Eswatini
- IPU - House of Assembly and Senate
- CPA Country Directory
- CPA Africa Region
- British High Commission Pretoria
- Commonwealth Secretariat
- UN Data
- BBC Country Profile
- Eswatini High Commission London
CPA UK & The Kingdom of Eswatini
Although there is limited bilateral engagement between the Parliament of Eswatini and CPA UK, delegates from Parliament have attended several of CPA UK's multilateral programmes.

Our Recent Programmes
A Workshop on Parliamentary Action on Tax Transparency, Tax Avoidance And Tax Evasion, Westminster, 8-9 June 2015
This workshop was designed in partnership with OECD and Global Forum on Transparency and Exchange of Information for Tax Purposes. The workshop provided delegates with the opportunity to increase knowledge and capacity in the areas of tax transparency and avoidance in relation to the successful delivery of the post-2015 Sustainable Development Goals.
The 5th Westminster Workshop, Effective Independent & Transparent Public Accounts Committees for Robust Public Financial Oversight, Malta, 1-4 June 2015
The 5th Westminster Workshop explored the key current challenges faced by PACs across the Commonwealth, providing an opportunity for exchange of ideas and expertise on how to increase their efficiency and effectiveness in scrutinising public expenditure; from budgeting and planning to tracking performance.