In Focus: The Gambia

Through a targeted and coherent programme of activities relying on peerto-peer learning CPA UK has, since 2017, been supporting The Gambia’s National Assembly reform process following the surprise defeat of Yahya Jammeh in the 2017 presidential elections and subsequent parliamentary elections.

The two-year technical assistance programme (2017-2019) provided an evaluation of the National Assembly which helped identify milestones, objectives and a roadmap for delivering the National Assembly’s ambitious reform agenda. This year, CPA UK succesfully supported the review of the Assembly’s Standing Orders, and provided a series of trainings on the new set of Standing Orders, and other capacity-building activities aimed at enhancing the scrutiny skills of Members, 85% of which were new to political life when elected in 2017.

The review, consultation process and subsequent adoption of the new Standing Orders which took place from August 2018 until September 2019 when the new Standing Orders were adopted, constituted a milestone in the history of the National Assembly, an institution previously widely perceived as archaic and ineffective. The backbone of the change that would enable effective parliamentary scrutiny by the National Assembly Members was the provision of increased powers and adequate timetables to undertake evidence-based scrutiny. This included a nine-day committee stage for detailed scrutiny, where previously bills would usually be considered and voted on by the Assembly within one day. Further changes related to the selection and process to challenge the Speaker’s decisions. All those elements are the backbone of efficient parliamentary oversight.

CPA UK is proud to have supported, alongside colleagues from the Northern Ireland Assembly, in the redraft of the Standing Orders, and the delivery of capacity building trainings to empower members to understand the parameters for undertaking effective scrutiny.