Who We Are

Based in the heart of the UK Parliament, CPA UK has worked to support and strengthen parliamentary democracy across the Commonwealth since our establishment in 1911.
Working with over 60 countries and jurisdictions across the Commonwealth our approach of peer to peer learning is central to our methodology. We design bespoke programmes and projects between parliamentarians and staff in the UK and other Commonwealth parliaments to enable and facilitate knowledge-sharing and development of good-practice.
Our programmes are intended to achieve improved parliamentary oversight, scrutiny and representation.
The Commonwealth
The Commonwealth is a voluntary association of 54 independent and equal sovereign states.
It is home to 2.4 billion people and over 60% of these are under 30. Leaders of the Commonwealth meet every 2 years to discuss issues of mutual concern and interest.
Commonwealth nations work together to implement our shared values and principles which are in the Commonwealth Charter.
"CPA UK carries out important work to strengthen the bonds between our Parliament and others around the world...One of the Commonwealth's great strengths is its human networks and the many associated organisations that work outside the government. The links between Commonwealth parliamentarians are an excellent example of this."
Rt Hon. Theresa May MP, former UK Prime Minister and Commonwealth Chair-in-Office
Our Vision
Inclusive, representative and transparent Commonwealth Parliaments that are fully effective in enforcing the accountability of the executive and representing the interests and concerns of the electorate.
Our Mission
To support and strengthen Commonwealth parliaments to deliver effective oversight, scrutiny and representation of their governments.
Our Purpose
To learn from and strengthen Commonwealth parliaments to deliver effective oversight, scrutiny and representation.
British Islands and Mediterranean Region
CPA Branches are divided into nine geographic regions, and each region engages in its own programme of activities. The Regions are: Africa, Asia, Australia, British Islands and Mediterranean (BIM), Canada, Caribbean, Americas and Atlantic (CAA), India, Pacific, South-East Asia.
CPA UK is part of the British Islands and Mediterranean Region (BIMR) and also serves as its Secretariat.
Along with CPA UK, the other branches that make up CPA BIMR are: Alderney, Cyprus, Falkland Islands, Gibraltar, Guernsey, The Isle of Man, Jersey, Malta, Northern Ireland, St Helena, Scotland and Wales
More information about CPA BIMR, including recent programmes and useful resources, can be found here.