Northern Ireland

Stormont Estate, the site of the Northern Ireland Assembly and main government buildings
Key Facts
Head of State: HM King Charles III
Capital City (location of Parliament): Belfast
Unicameral/Bicameral: Unicameral - Legislative Assembly (90)
Further Information:
- Northern Ireland Assembly
- CPA Country Directory
- CPA British Islands and Mediterranean Region
- BBC Profile
CPA UK and Northern Ireland
Parliamentarians from the UK and the Northern Ireland Assembly participate in regular multilateral activities facilitated by the CPA British Islands and Mediterranean Region (CPA BIMR), of which CPA UK is the Secretariat. In September 2021, Northern Ireland hosted the 50th BIMR Conference on the theme of 'Post-Pandemic Parliaments'.
Parliamentarians and clerks from the Northern Ireland Assembly participate as expert speakers in programmes facilitated by CPA UK.
In September 2021 a Member of the Northern Ireland Assembly was the Head of Mission for the Isle of Man Election Observation Mission.
Two clerks completed attachments with the parliaments of Montserrat and Anguilla as part of the UK Overseas Territories Project. Building the capacity of clerks and parliamentary officials is essential in ensuring the sustainability of change and the transfer of knowledge between election cycles. Clerk attachments facilitated by CPA UK have had significant success in providing short-term bespoke assistance with long-term impact in addressing the concerns raised by local stakeholders.

Northern Ireland (Google Maps)
Our Recent Programmes
52nd BIMR Conference, Westminster, 25 - 27 April 2023
CPA UK hosted the 52nd BIMR Conference on Inclusive and Sustainable Parliaments, welcoming over 40 delegates from across the British Islands and Mediterranean Region to Westminster. Held in the UK Parliament, the programme brought together several themes on which CPA BIMR had been working over recent years, with the Climate Emergency as BIMR's priority theme. The programme gave delegates opportunities to strengthen their network across the region, allowing them to work collaboratively with peers on these important issues.
Read the Final Report here.
Election Observation Training Course, Virtual, 13-14 October 2021
CPA UK organised a virtual training course for future Short-Term Election Observers. The training course was primarily for parliamentarians in the British Isles and Mediterranean Region.
The course aimed to increase participants’ understanding of the process of election observation, the role of election observers and CPA BIMR Election Observation Missions.
Clerk Attachment to the Montserrat Public Accounts Committee, Brades, 9-20 April 2018
The Clerk to the Finance Committee of the Northern Ireland Assembly, Jim McManus, completed an attachment with the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) of the Montserrat Legislative Assembly as part of the UK Overseas Territories Project.
Clerk Attachment to the Anguilla Public Accounts Committee, The Valley, 24 July - 4 August 2017 and 12-20 February 2018
The Clerk to the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) of the Northern Ireland Assembly, Lucia Wilson, completed two attachments with the PAC of the Anguilla House of Assembly as part of the UK Overseas Territories Project.