Paul Maynard MP shares his thoughts ahead of 65th Commonwealth Parliamentary Conference in Halifax, Canada
Published 08 August 2022

CPA UK is sending a cross-party bicameral delegation to the annual Commonwealth Parliamentary Conference (CPC) in Halifax, Canada. This is the first in-person Conference to be held since 2019 with delegations from most CPA branches in attendance.
The CPC programme will consist of plenary sessions, workshops and the CPA General Assembly under the theme of Inclusive, Accessible, Accountable and Strong Parliaments. The Commonwealth Women Parliamentarians conference will be held alongside the CPC, as well as the coming together of the Commonwealth Parliamentarians with Disabilities (CPwD) network.
Paul Maynard MP will be a member of the UK delegation and shares a few reflections below on what he hopes to achieve from attending the CPC:
1. What are you hoping to get out of the CPC and meeting with colleagues from across Commonwealth?
It’s my first CPC Conference, and my first as CPwD Regional Champion too, so I am going with an open mind, and keen to listen to experiences that might be radically different from mine, and which might enhance how I perform my role.
2. What do you see as the main challenges and opportunities facing parliaments across the Commonwealth?
We’re facing global challenges – climate change, economic change, populism. The task of democrats and parliaments to ensure that our system of government meets the needs of those we represent requires constant refreshing.
3. What do you see as the benefit of connecting with parliamentarians from other jurisdictions?
We represent such diverse populations, it can often be difficult to reconcile our legislative task with representing those who elect us – I’m keen to learn more about how other parliamentarians balance that.