Isle of Man

Photo: Paul Dougherty, Tynwald Seneschal
Key Facts
Head of State: HM King Charles III
Capital City (location of Parliament): Douglas
Unicameral/Bicameral: Bicameral - House of Keys (24) and Legislative Council (11). The Court of Tywnald is the combined sitting of both Houses.
Further Information:
- Parliament of Isle of Man
- CPA Country Directory
- CPA British Islands and Mediterranean Region
- BBC Profile
CPA UK & the Isle of Man
Parliamentarians from the UK and Tynwald, Isle of Man, participate in regular multilateral activities facilitated by the CPA British Islands and Mediterranean Region (CPA BIMR), of which CPA UK is the Secretariat. In March 2022, Tynwald hosted the 51st CPA BIMR Conference in the Isle of Man on the theme of Impactful Scrutiny.
In September 2021 CPA UK, on behalf of CPA BIMR, conducted an Election Observation Mission to the Isle of Man General Election. Tynwald has also supported CPA BIMR in its Election Observation Missions, including Montserrat (2020) and the Cayman Islands (2017).
CPA UK welcomes visits from Members of Tynwald and has previously provided familiarisation programmes on the Westminster system, giving Members an opportunity to share experiences of parliamentary practice and procedure, and to discuss the role of the Commonwealth in promoting good governance.
Tynwald regularly partners with CPA UK to support programmes as part of the UK Overseas Territories Project, to promote the sharing of knowledge and experience of public financial management across small legislatures.

Our Recent Programmes
52nd BIMR Conference, Westminster, 25 - 27 April 2023
CPA UK hosted the 52nd BIMR Conference on Inclusive and Sustainable Parliaments, welcoming over 40 delegates from across the British Islands and Mediterranean Region to Westminster. Held in the UK Parliament, the programme brought together several themes on which CPA BIMR had been working over recent years, with the Climate Emergency as BIMR's priority theme. The programme gave delegates opportunities to strengthen their network across the region, allowing them to work collaboratively with peers on these important issues.
Read the Final Report here.
Election Observation Training Course, Virtual, 13-14 October 2021
CPA UK organised a virtual training course for future Short-Term Election Observers. The training course was primarily for parliamentarians in the British Isles and Mediterranean Region.
The course aimed to increase participants’ understanding of the process of election observation, the role of election observers and CPA BIMR Election Observation Missions.
Isle of Man Election Observation Mission, 14-25 September 2021
A General Election was held in the Isle of Man on Thursday 23 September. CPA UK, on behalf of CPA British Islands and Mediterranean Region (BIMR) conducted an Election Observation Mission (EOM) to the Isle of Man General Election over the period 14 – 25 September 2021.
This was the first CPA BIMR international Election Observation Mission (EOM) to the Isle of Man and the first time the Isle of Man has received an international team to observe its General Election. CPA BIMR was grateful for the opportunity to support this vital exercise in democracy in the Isle of Man.
CPA BIMR Election Observation Mission to Montserrat, Montserrat, 11-20 November 2019
From 11-20 November 2019, international observers carried out an independent Election Observation to the Montserrat 2019 General Election. The Mission concluded the elections were “vibrant, peaceful and highly competitive”, but also made a significant number of recommendations for future improvements. The Mission was headed up by Hon. Julian Robinson MP from the Parliament of Jamaica who was joined by representatives and election and campaign experts from the Isle of Man, Anguilla, Ireland, Denmark, France and the UK. The report is available here.
CPA BIMR Election Observation Training, Westminster, 18-19 July 2019
CPA UK hosted a two-day election observation programme for 28 parliamentarians from across the CPA's British Islands and Mediterranean Region (BIMR) and CPA UK staff. The programme explored the history and international standards of election observation and offered practical insights and advice to participants considering applying to join election observation missions.
Visit of Delegation of the House of Keys, Westminster, 29-31 March and 25-27 October 2017
Following the Isle of Man's elections in April 2017, CPA UK hosted all Members of the House of Keys in two tranches. Visits took place in May and October 2017, focusing on providing a familiarisation programme for new MHKs. Themes included parliamentary practice and procedure, the responsibilities of a parliamentarian, oversight and scrutiny and public outreach. The delegation also visited an MP's constituency office to learn and share experiences of serving their communities. The Tynwald delegation was headed by Hon. Juan Watterson SHK, Speaker of the House of Keys.
Election Observation Mission to the Cayman Islands General Election, Cayman Islands, 19-27 May 2017
CPA UK organised the CPA BIMR conducted an Election Observation Mission to assess the electoral process in accordance with international commitments for elections as well as the laws of the Cayman Islands. The Head of Mission was Hon. President Steve Rodan, MLC, Tynwald.