In Focus: Uganda

Since 2017, through the Modern Slavery Project, CPA UK has partnered with Ugandan parliamentarians to review and strengthen anti-slavery and antitrafficking leislation.

Led by Hon. Herbert Edmund Ariko MP, the parliamentarians are seeking to introduce a Bill that will in particular target labour export companies that are trafficking Ugandans into exploitative labour and commercial sexual exploitation.

Following the first reading of the Anti-Slavery Bill in the Ugandan Parliament in January 2019, MPs sought input from civil society groups to ensure the legislation meets the challenges Uganda faces with regards to modern slavery, human trafficking and forced labour.

CPA UK - along with the movers of the bill - organised the Multi-stakeholder Consultation Workshop, which took place in Kampala from 13-16 May 2019. This was an opportunity to bring together key actors in the fight against modern slavery, including law enforcement, government agencies, NGOs and civil society to review and strengthen the legislation.

In March 2020, CPA UK then hosted a series of meetings at the UK Parliament between the Ugandan legislative drafters and an expert lawyer to support the draft of new anti-slavery legislation.

Uganda MPs then embarked on a national awareness raising and sensitisation campaign as they seek to introduce the legislation.

“As mover of the Anti-Slavery Bill in Uganda, I don’t take the support from the CPA UK Modern Slavery Project for granted. We are thankful and very appreciative for the passion and commitment the team continues to give us so as to ensure that Uganda has a comprehensive and effective law on modern slavery.”

- Hon. Hebert Edmund Ariko MP, Parliament of Uganda