
Threats to national security are ever-changing. Countries and their citizens now face a myriad of diverse and complex threats at both the national and international level. These dangers range from economic recessions, environmental degradation and climate change, to pandemics, cyberwarfare, civil wars and political uprisings, as well as the emergence of sophisticated, well-funded terror groups and intrastate challenges to territorial boundaries. Parliamentarians have a responsibility and mandate to ensure national security is in place as elected/ nominated representatives. CPA UK works with Parliaments to support this work, including their responsibilities to legislate, ensure policy oversight, budget approval as well as constituency engagement.


The Cybersecurity Workshop, delivered in partnership with the Ministry of Justice, the University of Oxford and the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, was developed to enable Parliamentarians from across the Commonwealth to build their capacity to legislate on and scrutinise cybersecurity issues.

The workshop provided a unique opportunity for participants to share international and regional best practice, whilst considering ways in which Commonwealth Parliaments can support each other in combatting cybercrime and developing cybersecure legislation. The objective of the workshop was to explore and support the delivery of the commitments in the 2018 Commonwealth Cyber Declaration, including raising awareness of current cybersecurity threats and challenges. Participating delegates had a range of profiles, from newly elected parliamentarians to committee members as well as shadow and national ministers with cybersecurity portfolios.

Through a combination of interactive exercises, expert panel sessions and peer-to-peer exchanges, CPA UK gave participants with the knowledge, tools and connections required to strengthen cybersecurity legislation within their own jurisdictions and to be confident leaders in this rapidly expanding and shifting policy area.

“I now have a greater understanding of cybersecurity and how human rights and economic opportunity depend on it. The workshop has made me more cognizant of the dangers and opportunities of the internet, especially in the development of small nation states.”

- Workshop Delegate