CPA BIMR Annual General Meeting takes place in Westminster
Published 26 June 2018

CPA BIMR Member and Branch Secretaries meeting in the CPA Room

Roundtable discussion on youth participation.
Representatives from the eleven branches of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association British Islands and Mediterranean Region (BIMR) met in Westminster for their Annual General Meeting (AGM) on the 25 June 2018.
Chaired by Dr Roberta Blackman-Woods MP (Treasurer CPA UK), the meeting covered a number of topics and themes ranging from the work of the regional contingent of the Commonwealth Women Parliamentarians (CWP), election observation, updates from CPA International and the review of CPA BIMR's strategy.
Following the AGM, delegates met to discuss the importance of youth participation in the political process and how policies and strategies can be developed to encourage engagement. The round-table was chaired by the newly elected Deputy, Jess Perchard from Jersey with contributions Rt Hon. David Hanson MP, Vice Chair of CPA UK and Daniel Gallacher, Education Outreach Manager, UK Parliament.
Find out more about CPA BIMR here.