CPA UK shines spotlight on parliamentary oversight of trade agreements
Published 06 March 2019
From the 6-8th February, CPA UK hosted the Westminster Workshop on Parliamentary Oversight of Trade Agreements. This Workshop took place in the context of the UK’s decision to leave the European Union and the subsequent conversation of the UK’s future trade policy – and the possibility of reaching new trade agreements.
CPA UK welcomed parliamentarians and clerks to the UK Parliament from Commonwealth countries including New Zealand, Rwanda, Kenya & Pakistan.
The first day focused on the current state of play of global trade perspectives and the future potential and implications. The second day looked at global and national perspectives, including examining the role of international trade institutions, discussing who it at the trade table and how trade negotiations and agreements are accountable to sustainable development goals. The third and final day looked at influencing trade agreements and included a mock committee hearing which was jointly organised with FCO & Department for International Trade.
Further to the programme’s strong learning dimension, there were also useful platforms where the delegates and participants had the opportunity to network and discuss common challenges and opportunities.
To contact CPA UK about this programme or other trade-related work, please email

The mock committee exercise

Theo Clarke, Founder of the Coalition for Global Prosperity with Simon O'Connor MP, Chair of the Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade Committee, New Zealand
