Report Published for 53rd BIMR Conference
Published 22 November 2024

Photo credit: CPA HQ
Hosting for the first time, St Helena welcomed 40 delegates across 11 legislatures
Read: The 53rd British Islands and Mediterranean Conference Report
The theme of the conference, Challenges to Sustainable Development in Times of Global Uncertainty was selected by the host Branch to inspire discussions, which allowed delegates to better understand some of the challenges faced by parliaments in the British Islands and Mediterranean Region. Topics ranged from depopulation to climate change and from diversifying the economy to social housing.
Despite the range of scale and profile of the jurisdictions in the region, there was plenty of common ground, with parliamentarians sharing case-studies, explaining how they, as parliamentarians, approached similar circumstances and sign-posting colleagues to resources to support future research and evidence-gathering.
The conference also provided delegates with the opportunity to strengthen the regional network, and to identify where continued and future collaboration would be most helpful.
This is the first time for the Saint Helena Branch to host a CPA Conference and the working group had to deal with practical and logistical challenges such as weekly airline schedules, weather reports and limited conference space and accommodation options. The host branch overcame these challenges and exceeded expectations to host a stimulating and engaging conference in unique surroundings, whilst extending the warmest of welcomes.
The Conference took place over five days and included a series of plenary sessions and workshops. Tuesday 21 May was a public holiday to mark St Helena Day, during which delegates had the opportunity to visit different parts of the island.