UK Overseas Territories Representatives Gather for Forum Programme on Good Governance and Oversight of Public Finances

Published 20 September 2024

The three-day Forum hosted over 15 topical sessions and produced a Summary of Findings

Between 10 - 12 September, the UK Overseas Territories Forum welcomed nearly 40 delegates for a programme focussed on topics within the field of good governance and oversight of public finance.  

The Forum was attended by parliamentarians, officials, clerks, internal and external auditors from Anguilla, Bermuda, British Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands, Falkland Islands, Gibraltar, Montserrat, St Helena, Turks and Caicos Islands. 

Providing a platform for knowledge sharing, the Forum was an opportunity for delegates to take part in sessions delivered by parliamentarians, officials, and academic and industry experts. The programme was designed to bring out the professional insights of participants, enabling them to draw on their collective experiences. 

Delegates expressed appreciation for the opportunity to learn from each other’s experiences, noting that the Forum facilitated an important exchange of expertise and best practices. In concluding the Forum, all delegates participated in reviewing and agreeing a Summary of Findings. 

Check back here to read the Final Report.