'Women, Power, Politics' Panel Discussion with CPA UK
Published 16 October 2018
Helen Haywood, Deputy Chief Executive of CPA UK, shared her Commonwealth perspective at the launch of a new report commissioned by the British Council - 'Women Power Politics - What's changed in 100 years?'.
In the year of Vote100, the report details the challenges and priorities facing women looking to move into politics, as well as those already working in a political context. The key thematic recommendations contained in the report are relevant to all women within the UK and internationally, and will feed into CPA UK's programme of work with women parliamentarians across the Commonwealth.
Helen spoke about CPA UK's work in Uganda with women Committee Chairs, and of the usefulness of support networks helping women combat negative sentiments in the media and in the workplace. Participants engaged in this programme felt valued and empowered by the act of talking about their experiences.
Helen also explored the sometimes unforeseen challenges of quotas for women parliamentarians, with women elected through special measures often treated differently to their directly elected counterparts. It has also been used as an excuse not to select women candidates. Understanding these challenges is key to applying policy that works for women.
CPA UK continues its work with women parliamentarians across the Commonwealth, exploring practical responses to persisting challenges, and feeding back key learnings between UK parliamentarians and their Commonwealth counterparts.
For more information about our work with women parliamentarians, please email haywoodh@parliament.uk.
To read the British Council’s report, please follow this link.

Helen Haywood, Deputy Chief Executive of CPA UK is introduced by Sarah Champion MP

The Panel

Women, Power, Politics Report commissioned by the British Council