South Africa Parliament Visit

19 May 2025 - 23 May 2025

Venue: Johannesburg & Cape Town, South Africa

CPA UK hopes to organise a delegation visit to the Parliament of South Africa on the week commencing19 May 2025. The dates remain to be confirmed.

The visit will seek to engage with members in both the National Assembly and National Council of Provinces. Dates are to be confirmed, but the visit will most likely be ±5 days in total (including travel).    

CPA UK is looking for Members from both the House of Commons and the House of Lords to join the delegation. We would particularly encourage applications from new members who are keen to engage with new members in the South African parliaments following elections last year.  

To make an application, please fill out the following form: CPA UK Application Form for South Africa Parliament Visit 2025

For other enquiries, please email Jacob Loose at  

Image of the Parliament of the Republic of South Africa
Parliament of the Republic of South Africa