Webinar: Regional Trade and Parliamentary Scrutiny in Africa
12 July 2022
Venue: Virtual, 11:00 - 12:30 BST
In response to the successful Africa Regional Workshop on Trade, Security & Gender held in Ghana in January 2022, CPA UK is organising a Webinar for Members and clerks to examine the important role of parliamentary scrutiny in the construction and workings of multilateral trade deals.
Almost a year and a half on from the commencing of free trade under the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA), this Webinar will include a chance to reflect on best practice from legislatures from across the region and the UK, as well as offer an opportunity for participants to share their own experiences around delivering oversight of agreements.
Panellists to include Lord Lansley of the International Agreements Committee, Trudy Hartzenberg, Executive Director of TRALAC, and Hon Waven, Chair of the International Affairs Committee in the National Assembly of Seychelles.
Please register for the event here.
For further information, please contact David Vickers at vickersd@parliament.uk.