
Parliament of India
Key Facts
Head of State: President Droupadi Murmu
Joined the Commonwealth: 1947
Capital City (location of Parliament): New Delhi
Unicameral/Bicameral: Bicameral - Lok Sabha (545), Rajya Sabha (245)
Further Information:
- Parliament of India
- IPU - House of the People and Council of States
- CPA India Region
- CPA Country Directory
- Commonwealth Secretariat
- UN Data
- BBC Country Profile
- British High Commission New Delhi
- India High Commission London
CPA UK & India
CPA UK engages bilaterally with India annually and the impetus to engage with India recognises its status as the world’s largest democracy, and the important historical, cultural, social and economic links between India and the UK. In previous years CPA UK organised a large bilateral visit that visited Delhi as well as two States.
In 2017, in collaboration with the British High Commission New Delhi and the British Deputy High Commissions across India, CPA UK established a series of thematic programmes which engaged stakeholders in Indian states. Three state visits took place in 2017.
CPA UK continued its thematic visits in 2018 and official delegations of UK parliamentarians visited the State of Kerala in February and Maharashtra in September.

Our Recent Programmes
CPA UK delivered the second CAPAC Regional Workshop in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia from 1-3 August 2019.
The Workshop was attended by Chairs, Members and Clerks from 6 Commonwealth Public Accounts Committees in the Asia and South East Asia region. The workshop formed part of CPA UK's work as part of the Commonwealth Partnership for Democracy (CP4D). Please click here for more information on the programme and click here for the official report.
CPA UK Delegation to Maharashtra, Mumbai and Pune, 15-21 September 2018
A CPA UK Delegation visited Maharashtra in India in September 2018. The delegation visited Mumbai and Pune in the State.
The visit provided an opportunity to engage with a number of stakeholders in Mumbai and explore the opportunities and challenges faced by the city and the importance of the UK-India relationship.
The programme explored a number of themes, including the position of Mumbai as India’s financial and commercial centre, the socioeconomic position of Mumbai's residents, and the impact of India's new Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) law.
India - Study Visit by FICCI, Westminster, June 2018
On 27 June 2018, CPA UK hosted a delegation from the Indian Federation of Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FICCI) for a one-day visit to the UK Parliament. The four Members of the Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha, participated in the study visit through FICCI’s UK India Forum of Parliamentarians.
The programme on international affairs and trade included meetings with Select Committee Chairs and Members of both Houses. Interested in the UK’s future trading context, the delegates raised the status and progress of Brexit negotiations, and discussed the potential impact on UK-India trade with Angus MacNeil MP, Chair of the International Trade Committee. Visa issues, the role of the Commonwealth, and bilateral relations between the UK and India featured in a meeting with Foreign Affairs Committee Chair Tom Tugendhat MP and Committee Member Mike Gapes MP.
CPA UK Delegation to Kerala, Thiruvananthapuram, 12-15 February 2018
A delegation of UK parliamentarians visited the State of Kerala to learn more about the key issues and opportunities in the State of Kerala, including the position of religious minorities in the State, and its success in socioeconomic and educational development. The programme also explored politics in Kerala, the representation of women and youth, economic development, and the trade and educational links with the UK.
Study Visit for Members of Southern Indian Legislative Assemblies, Westminster, 31 October - 3 November 2017
Following a request from the British Deputy High Commission in Bangalore, CPA UK coordinated a visit for young Members of Legislative Assemblies from five states in Southern India. The programme explored three key areas: how devolved relationships in the UK function; how key thematic areas are represented in Parliament; and constituency relationships in the UK.