
Parliament of Samoa
Key Facts
Head of State: Va'aletoa Sualauvi II
Joined the Commonwealth: 1970
Capital City (location of Parliament): Apia
Unicameral/Bicameral: Unicameral - Fono (Legislative Assembly) (50)
Further Information:
- Parliament of Samoa
- IPU - Legislative Assembly
- CPA Country Directory
- Commonwealth Secretariat
- UN Data
- BBC Country Profile
- British High Commission Wellington
CPA UK & Samoa
CPA UK has engaged with the Parliament of Samoa through a variety of multilateral programmes in recent years. These programmes have enabled discussions of differing parliamentary practice and procedure and of issues affecting the wider region.

Our Recent Programmes
CAPAC Pacific Workshop, Suva, Fiji, 19-21 February 2019
CPA UK delivered the first in a series of CAPAC workshops in Suva, Fiji from 19 -21 February.
The workshop was attended by Chairs, Members and Clerks from 11 Pacific Island Public Accounts Committees. The workshop formed part of CPA UK's work as part of the Commonwealth Partnership for Democracy (CP4D).
Pacific Islands Parliamentary Workshop, Wellington, New Zealand, 12-14 April 2018
In partnership with the Parliament of New Zealand, CPA UK hosted the Pacific Islands Parliamentary Workshop in Wellington, New Zealand. The Workshop brought together Members and clerks from across the Pacific to enhance their understanding of parliamentary democracy and their effectiveness as Members. The Workshop also provided the opportunity for the Pacific Members and officials to share experiences, including on the area of disaster resilience.
Commonwealth Parliamentarians' Forum, Westminster, 26 February-1 March 2018
CPA UK hosted the first Commonwealth Parliamentarians' Forum ahead of the UK hosting Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) in April 2018. The Forum brought together national legislators from across the Commonwealth and set the scene for the CHOGM 2018 theme – ‘Towards a Common Future’. The Parliamentarians' Forum sparked dialogue, engaged parliamentarians in the summit agenda and created opportunities for in-depth cross-Commonwealth discussion. The Forum was an invaluable opportunity to reinforce and reinvigorate the Commonwealth’s aspirations, opportunities, challenges and relevance in the coming years.
Pacific Islands Westminster Seminar, Brisbane, 9-11 March 2017
In partnership with the Queensland Parliament, CPA UK organised the Pacific Islands Westminster Seminar in Brisbane. Based on CPA UK’s flagship Westminster Seminar the Pacific Seminar invited parliamentarians and clerks from all CPA branches in the Pacific Region to exchange views and good practice on parliamentary practice and procedure. The Seminar focused on the role of MPs in their community, good practice for parliamentary oversight of the executive, and shared experiences of climate change mitigation.