
Sessions House in Hamilton, home to the House of Assembly, Bermuda Parliament
Key Facts
Head of State: HM King Charles III
Head of Government: Premier Hon. E. David Burt JP MP
Capital City (location of Parliament): Hamilton
Unicameral/Bicameral: Bicameral - House of Assembly (36), Senate (11)
Further Information:

CPA UK & Bermuda
CPA UK has engaged with the Bermuda Parliament since 2017 on topics ranging from the role of Public Accounts Committees and the Supreme Audit Institution (SAI) to parliamentary outreach. Bermuda regularly engages in bilateral and multilateral activities delivered as part of the CPA UK-led UK Overseas Territories Project (UKOTP) which focuses on good governance and oversight of public finances.
As one of the oldest parliaments in the world, the Bermuda Parliament is a valued partner in all programmes and activities, and CPA UK looks forward to future collaboration in parliamentary strengthening, public financial oversight, and governance.
Recent Programmes
Caribbean Clerks Programme, Parliament of Barbados, Bridgetown, 26-27 January 2023
CPA UK delivered the third Caribbean Clerks Programme, in partnership with the Parliament of Barbados and ParlAmericas. The sessions ran across two days and was hosted in the Senate Chamber of the Parliament of Barbados. The approach of the programme was one of peer-to-peer learning, with attendees sharing their knowledge and expertise. The sessions covered a number of topics including: the role of a clerk; working effectively with members; and operating with resource constraints.
Public Accounts Committee Workshop, Westminster, 5-7 December 2022
The three-day Workshop was designed to allow delegates to collaborate with colleagues across different regions, discussing responses to shared challenges faced by Pubic Accounts Committees. It provided an opportunity for clerks and officials to share experiences, examine existing practices and find new approaches to the financial scrutiny work of PACs.
Fifth Overseas Territories Forum on Oversight of Public Finances and Good Governance, Westminster, 29 November - 1 December 2022
Parliamentarians, clerks, electoral officials, and external and internal auditors from across the UK Overseas Territories travelled to Westminster to attend the fifth Overseas Territories Forum. The Forum was delivered by CPA UK, in collaboration with the National Audit Office, and the Government Internal Audit Agency. Over the three days, the Forum offered the opportunity for delegates to discuss and share knowledge through panel discussions, presentations, workshops, and meetings.
To read the Fifth Overseas Territories Forum Report, click here.
Clerk Attachment to the States of Jersey Assembly Public Accounts Committee, Jersey, 21 February - 4 March 2022
CPA UK facilitated the participation of a clerk from Bermuda in a two-week attachment with the PAC of the States of Jersey Assembly. The attachment provided a close insight into the host PAC’s work processes, and the participant benefitted from the sharing of practical knowledge and good practice.
Westminster Seminar, Westminster, 14-18 March 2022
The 70th edition of CPA UK's flagship programme for newly-elected parliamentarians and clerks, providing a unique platform for participants to network and engage with counterparts; exploring approaches to parliamentary democracy, practice and procedure in the context of parliamentary systems from across the Commonwealth, drawing comparisons between different legislatures.
Fourth Overseas Territories Forum on Oversight of Public Finances & Good Governance, Virtual, 30 November - 2 December 2021
Key actors from the UK and the Overseas Territories met virtually from 30 November to 2 December for the Oversight of Public Finance and Good Governance Forum 2021. This was the fourth programme of its kind, designed to bring together key stakeholders from across the Overseas Territories, including Speakers, Members, and Clerks from Legislatures, as well as Internal and External Auditors and Electoral Officials, to explore issues relating to good governance and oversight of public finances.
Clerk Leadership Group, Virtual, April 2021 to present
The Clerk Leadership Group was launched in April 2021 and is a network designed to provide a forum for clerks from across the Overseas Territories to share their knowledge, expertise, and best practices on parliamentary clerk services with one another. The Clerk Leadership Groups meets at least once a quarter.
Featured Past Programmes
Clerk Secondment to Bermuda Public Accounts Committee, Hamilton, 4-15 February 2019
Stephen McGinness – Clerk of the House of Commons PAC - worked work alongside the Clerk of the PAC in the Bermuda Parliament and other relevant stakeholders to provide bespoke face-to-face assistance in the preparation of inquiry planning, public reporting, and communicating findings with the aim of strengthening the capacity of the committee.
Public Accounts Committee Visit to Westminster and Cardiff, Westminster and Cardiff, 29-31 January 2018
CPA UK arranged a visit to the UK Parliament and the National Assembly for Wales for the Chair, Members and Clerk of Bermuda's Public Accounts Committee (PAC) as part of the UKOT Project. Delegates considered the visit a useful experience which enhanced their confidence and skills.