Tristan da Cunha
Key Facts
Head of State: HM King Charles III
Capital City (location of Parliament): Edinburgh of the Seven Seas
Unicameral/Bicameral: Unicameral - Island Council (11)
Further Information:

Our Recent Programmes
CPA UK & UK Overseas Territories’ Parliamentary Forum: Supporting the Role of Public Accounts Committees & Audit Institutions: Oversight of Public Funds, Miami, 1-2 March 2017
The inaugural Overseas Territories Forum was held in Miami from March 1-2 2017 to launch the UK Overseas Territories Project. The Forum brought together Chairs and Members of Public Accounts Committees and Heads of Internal and External Audit from the UK and Overseas Territories. The Forum provided an opportunity to launch the Good Practice Guide and, through a series of workshops, enabled participants to discuss challenges and successes to achieving good practice in public financial oversight.