CPA UK Sends Delegation to Lesotho: New Report Now Published
Published 30 August 2024

In May 2024, CPA UK was invited to return to the Parliament of Lesotho to engage parliamentarians in ethics and codes of conduct, cross-party collaboration, and committee work. This followed on from the Post Election Seminar CPA UK delivered in 2023. The programme was designed in partnership with the Parliament of Lesotho; a cross-party delegation of three UK parliamentarians and a clerk travelled to Maseru to participate.
The delegation engaged with members and officials of both the National Assembly and Senate, including members of the Women’s Parliamentary Caucus, the ethics committees in both Houses and approximately 120 Senators and MPs in a half-day workshop.
This programme aimed to achieve the following outputs:
1) Deepen understanding of topics discussed, including member conduct, pre-legislative scrutiny and process and procedure, among participating UK and Lesotho members.
2) Further strengthen the relationship between the Parliaments of the UK and Lesotho; consider next steps for bilateral engagement as Lesotho celebrates its bicentenary year.
CPA UK looks forward to continued collaboration with the Parliament of Lesotho in future programmes. CPA UK will continue to follow the development of a code of conduct in Lesotho in both the Senate and the National Assembly. Since this programme, in July 2024 a Senator from Lesotho participated in CPA BIMR’s Election Assessment Mission to observe the UK General Election. CPA UK looks forward to strengthening partnerships between newly-elected UK MPs and our partners in Lesotho.
You can read the full delegation report here: