
Parliament of Ghana
Key Facts
Head of State: President Nana Akufo-Addo
Joined the Commonwealth: 1957
Capital City (location of Parliament): Accra
Unicameral/Bicameral: Unicameral (275)
Further Information:
- Parliament of Ghana
- IPU - Parliament
- CPA Country Directory
- CPA Africa Region
- Commonwealth Secretariat
- UN Data
- BBC Country Profile
- British High Commission Accra
- Ghana High Commission London
CPA UK & Ghana
CPA UK and the Parliament Ghana have had a long fruitful relationship over many decades based on bilateral diplomacy and capacity building. This engagement has been closest since 2012 when a delegation of Ghanaian parliamentarians travelled to London for a workshop focusing on Climate Change.
Since then CPA UK has partnered with the Parliament of Ghana on several occasions.
Following the presidential and parliamentary elections in Ghana in 2016 and the parliamentary elections in the UK in 2017 new Public Accounts Committees and Finance Committees were formed. CPA UK sought the opportunity to partner with the Parliament of Ghana to work together on financial scrutiny and share good practise.
As an initial step of this partnership, CPA UK hosted the Ghana Finance Committee in Westminster, September 2017. This was followed by a delegation led by Meg Hillier MP, Chair of the UK Public Accounts Committee, to Accra for a programme on committee practises and financial scrutiny.
Ghana continues to be an active participating country at many CPA UK multilateral programmes ranging from the Westminster Seminar on Parliamentary Practice and Procedure to various thematic conferences and seminars on Modern Slavery, Sustainable Development and National Security. Delegates from Ghana attended the Commonwealth Parliamentarians' Forum (26 February 2018 - 1 March 2018); the Westminster Workshop on Public Accounts Committees ( 4-6 December 2017) and the Westminster Seminar on Parliamentary Practice and Procedure 13-17 November 2017).

Our Recent Programmes
Visit by the Constitutional, Legal, and Parliamentary Affairs Committee, Westminster, 14-15 June 2022
CPA UK hosted the Chair and two Members of the Constitutional, Legal, and Parliamentary Affairs Committee for a two-day programme focused on the role of parliaments and parliamentarians in promoting and protecting human rights. In addition to exploring international obligations and legal frameworks, discussions highlighted cross-party cooperation and human rights-based approach to legislative scrutiny. Read more about the visit here.
Africa Regional Trade and Security Workshop: Effective Parliamentary Scrutiny, Gender Sensitivity, and Complexity, Accra, Ghana, 23-26 January 2022
The Parliament of Ghana hosted CPA UK's regional workshop on trade and security. The three-day programme brought together parliamentarians from 11 legislatures to explore approaches to addressing the interconnected themes of trade, gender, and security, and to consider the impact of these themes on policy, scrutiny, and the effectiveness of democratic institutions. Read more about the programme here.
Study Visit by the Marshal of Parliament and a Senior HR Officer, Westminster, 17-21 June 2019
From 17-21 June 2019, CPA UK hosted parliamentary officials from the Parliament of Ghana, which included the newly-appointed Marshal of Parliament (equivalent to the Serjeant at Arms) and a Senior Human Resources Officer.
The study visit provided an opportunity for both officials to share knowledge and best practices in their respective fields, drawing parallels between their own system and the UK Parliament. Read more about the visit here.
Expert Regional Workshop: The Role of Parliamentary Committees on Combatting Human Trafficking & Forced Labour, Accra, Ghana, 11-13 June 2019
The Expert Regional Workshop built on previous technical programmes where Commonwealth parliamentary champions shared knowledge on modern slavery-related issues particularly related to the role and remit of committees in providing scrutiny and oversight. Read the report here.