
Parliament of Belize
Key Facts
Head of State: HM King Charles III
Joined the Commonwealth: 1981
Capital City (location of Parliament): Belmopan
Unicameral/Bicameral: Bicameral - House of Representatives (32), Senate (13)
Further information:
- National Assembly of Belize
- IPU - House of Representatives and Senate
- CPA Country Directory
- CPA Caribbean, Americas and Atlantic Region
- Commonwealth Secretariat
- UN Data
- BBC Country Profile
- British High Commission Belmopan
- Belize High Commission London
CPA UK and Belize
CPA UK engages with the National Assembly of Belize on a number of areas, such as energy, climate change, trade and security. In October 2021, CPA UK facilitated a virtual training programme for the new Joint Public Accounts Committee in the National Assembly of Belize. In both 2021 and 2022 parliamentary staff participated in the annual Caribbean Clerks programme, hosted by CPA UK.
In October 2018, CPA UK welcomed a senior delegation from the National Assembly of Belize, led by the Speaker of the House of Representatives, Hon. Laura Tucker-Longsworth, and the President of the Senate, Hon. Lee Mark Chang. This bilateral visit was facilitated in cooperation with the British High Commission in Belmopan.
Parliamentarians from Belize have also engaged with CPA UK through multilateral projects such as the Commonwealth Association on Public Accounts Committees (CAPAC), as parliamentarians from Belize attended the Caribbean Regional Workshop in January 2020, and the International Parliamentary Project on Sustainability, Energy and Development.

Our Recent Programmes
Caribbean Clerks Programme, Virtual, 11-12 January 2022
CPA UK hosted our annual Caribbean Clerks programme on Zoom. This two-day programme brought together clerks from the UK and Caribbean region to share experiences and good practices.
The programme was designed to address regional-specific needs, following consultation with Caribbean legislatures. Speakers from across the Caribbean and the UK contributed their experience and practices in a peer-to-peer learning format.
Belize Joint Public Accounts Committee Training, Virtual, 27 October 2021
CPA UK was invited to facilitate a virtual training programme for the Joint Public Accounts Committee in the National Assembly of Belize.
This is a new committee with a membership drawn from the National Assembly’s upper and lower houses. The training provided a general orientation for committee members, covering a range of topics, such as the role and remit of a Public Accounts Committee and working effectively with the Auditor-General.
Caribbean Clerks Programme, Virtual, 13-14 January 2021
CPA UK invited 11 legislatures from across the Caribbean for an online programme designed for parliamentary clerks to increase their capacity and skills in facilitating virtual and hybrid activities.
The programme took place on 13 and 14 January 2021. The topics covered also included communications, both with members and the public.
The CAPAC Caribbean Regional Workshop was attended by 31 Chairs, Members and Clerks from 11 Commonwealth Public Accounts Committees in the region. Participating PACs joined from Barbados, Belize, Bermuda, Cayman Islands, Grenada, Guyana, Jamaica, Montserrat, Saint Lucia, Trinidad and Tobago and Turks and Caicos Islands. Delegates exchanged good practice for financial scrutiny and oversight and collaborated to find approaches to shared challenges. The workshop formed part of CPA UK's work in the Commonwealth Partnership for Democracy (CP4D).
Visit by Parliamentary Delegation led by the Speaker, Westminster, 23-25 October 2018
From 23 to 25 October 2018 CPA UK hosted a senior delegation from the National Assembly of Belize led by Hon. Laura Tucker-Longsworth, Speaker of the House of Representatives, and Hon. Lee Mark Chang, President of the Senate, as part of a bilateral exchange programme facilitated by CPA UK and the British High Commission Belmopan. The programme included opportunities to observe parliamentary procedure in Westminster and to engage with UK Members of both Houses on issues related to national security, trade, sustainable development, women and equality, and parliamentary development.
CPA UK, working in partnership with the Parliament of Trinidad & Tobago delivered the Caribbean Regional Workshop on Energy, Sustainability & Development for Caribbean and UK parliamentarians.
The Workshop was one of three regional workshops to be delivered by CPA UK with UNDP as part of an International Parliamentary Project (IPP) following the adoption of the Sustainable Developments Goals (SDGs) by the international community.